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  1. Agate Grey (RAL 7038) 3 items
  2. Anthracite 2 items
  3. Anthracite Grey (RAL 7016) 4 items
  4. Anthrartie Grey 3 items
  5. Balmoral Green (RAL 6005) 3 items
  6. Basalt Grey (RAL 7012) 2 items
  7. Bedford (per door) 2 items
  8. Black 3 items
  9. Black (BS 00 E 53) 2 items
  10. Black (RAL 9005) 3 items
  11. Blue (RAL 5011) 2 items
  12. Brown 2 items
  13. Brown (RAL 8014) 2 items
  14. Burgundy (BS 04 D 45) 2 items
  15. Burgundy (RAL 3004) 2 items
  16. Chartwell Green (BS4800) 3 items
  17. Chartwell Green (RAL 6021) 2 items
  18. Cherry Brown (Chroma 3353) 3 items
  19. Clay Brown (RAL 8003) 3 items
  20. Conker Brown (RAL 8017) 3 items
  21. Cream (RAL 9001) 3 items
  22. Dark Grey 2 items
  23. Dark Grey (DB 703) 2 items
  24. Dark Mahogony 2 items
  25. Dark Oak (RAL 8028) 2 items
  26. Fir Green (RAL 6009) 3 items
  27. Gloss magnolia 2 items
  28. Gloss White 2 items
  29. Goosewing Grey (BS 10 A 05) 2 items
  30. Grey 2 items
  31. Grey Aluminium (RAL 9007) 2 items
  32. Jet Black (RAL 9005) 3 items
  33. Juniper Green (BS 12 B 29) 2 items
  34. Light Grey (RAL 7035) 3 items
  35. Merlin Grey (BS 18 25) 2 items
  36. Midnight Blue (RAL 5011) 3 items
  37. Mircoline pattern - Satin Dark Grey 2 items
  38. Mircoline pattern -Satin Grey 2 items
  39. Mircoline pattern -Satin White 2 items
  40. Mircoline pattern -Satin Window Grey 2 items
  41. Mocca Brown (RAL 8019) 2 items
  42. Monarch Red (RAL 3003) 3 items
  43. Moss Green (RAL 6005) 2 items
  44. Mushroom (BS 10 B 19) 2 items
  45. Navy Blue (RAL 5003) 2 items
  46. Night Oak 2 items
  47. Night Oak (RAL 8022) 2 items
  48. Nut Brown (RAL 8011) 2 items
  49. Olive Green (BS 12 B 27) 2 items
  50. Oxford Blue (RAL 5013) 3 items
  51. Quartz Grey (RAL 7039) 2 items
  52. Racing Green (RAL 6009) 2 items
  53. RAL Colour of your choice 2 items
  54. Red Mahagony 2 items
  55. Rustic Wood Effects - Dark Oak 2 items
  56. Rustic Wood Effects - Golden Oak 2 items
  57. Rustic Wood Effects - Night Oak 2 items
  58. Rustic Wood Effects - Winchester 2 items
  59. Satin Black 2 items
  60. Satin Brown 2 items
  61. Satin Brown (RAL 8014) 2 items
  62. Satin Dark Grey 2 items
  63. Satin Dark Grey (RAL 7016) 2 items
  64. Satin Grey 2 items
  65. Satin Grey (RAL 7011) 2 items
  66. Satin White 2 items
  67. Satin White (RAL 9016) 2 items
  68. Satin Window Grey 2 items
  69. Satin Window Grey (RAL 7040) 2 items
  70. Sepia Brown (RAL 8014) 2 items
  71. Sheraton (per window) 2 items
  72. Signal Grey (RAL 7004) 3 items
  73. Slate Grey (RAL 7015) 3 items
  74. Smooth RAL 2 items
  75. Smooth Super Colour 2 items
  76. Smooth White RAL 9016 2 items
  77. Stone Grey (RAL 7030) 3 items
  78. Structual Surfaces - Satin Black 2 items
  79. Structual Surfaces - Satin Brown (RAL 8014) 2 items
  80. Structual Surfaces - Satin Dark Grey (RAL 7016) 2 items
  81. Structual Surfaces - Satin Grey (composite shade) 2 items
  82. Traffic White (RAL 9016) 1 item
  83. White (RAL 9016) 2 items
  84. Window Grey (RAL 7040) 1 item
  85. Golden Oak 2 items
  86. Rosewood 2 items

5 Products

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  1. Steel Up & Over Single Garage Doors - Open For Infil

    These open for infill frames are ideal if you want a garage door basic framework to add your own timber to. Max load 7KG/ m2. They will fit to a standard 70mm x 70mm timber sub frame or you can add a white steel frame.

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