The principle behind them is simple; compromised of individual sections connected by hinges they rise vertically up tracks and back into the garage roof space. Sectional garage doors are by far the most insulated doors available. We are able to stock both 20mm and 45mm insulated doors.
They have a flexible lip seal which enables them to prevent heat losses and dust from penetrating. A rubber profile EPDM floor seal guarantees optimum protection against water and dirt. They can be operated manually or by adding an operator you can have the doors remote controlled.
All our garage doors, unless otherwise stated, come complete with lock/handle/fitting pack and full instructions. Sectional doors fit behind the brickwork so the door size stated is the size that your opening needs to be. Our doors are available in a range of colours and finishes, and any specific RAL colour by special order. You really can make a completely unique design with these doors.

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Duoport 45MM Insulated Side Hinged Garage Doors - Duoport Flush Woodgrain or Smooth
With a simple and elegant design, this Insulated Side Hinge Door is made of high quality and durable materials, available with a Woodgrain or Smooth finish and wide variety of additional fittings.
Sectional Thermalift 45 Matching Personnel Doors - Horizontal Rib
This Sectional door will elevate your garage design to another level, with elegant horizontal lines and top quality, the Evo 45 is a first-class door!
Sectional Thermalift 45 Matching Personnel Doors - Panelled
This Sectional garage doors is available only with Cardale, with unique glazing options and top quality, the Evo 45 is a first-class door!
Sectional Thermalift 45 Matching Personnel Doors - Microline
This Sectional Evo Thermalift 45 has a unique design of microlines, availabe in these Satin finishes: Dark Grey, Grey, Window Grey and White.
Sectional Thermalift 45 Matching Personnel Doors - Large Rib
This side hinged door with a Large Rib design is available in Oak colour to match your Sectional Door.
Sectional Thermalift 45 Matching Personnel Doors - Flush
This Sectional garage doors is available only with Cardale, with unique glazing options and top quality, the Evo 45 is a first-class door!